WordPress Glossery


These are posts which are saved but not yet published. A draft post can only edited through the Administration panel.


his is a feature on wordpress.com, when enabled, automatically shares your posts with your Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin profiles.


These are files uploaded to your media library. This includes images, pdf files, text documents, videos and audio files.


A blog is an online journal, diary or serial published by a person or group of people.
Blogging is the act of writing in one’s blog. To blog something is to write about something in one’s blog.  This sometimes involves linking to something the author finds interesting on the web.


This is used to group posts of similar content together to aid navigation of a website.


A keyword which describes all or part of a post.


Comments are a feature of blogs/websites which allow readers to respond to posts.


This consists of text, images or other information shared in posts. This is separate from the structural design/presentation of a website, which provides a framework into which content is inserted.


This is specifically an exposition of images attached/uploaded to a post.


A file format used for images.

Header/Featured Image/Banner

This is a wide picture that appears at the top of a wordpress website.

Content Management System

(CMS) This is software for facilitating the maintenance of content but not design on a website or blog.

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Author: John Hartnett

My name is John Hartnett. I am a Substitute Teacher in Business in the post primary vocational education sector.