Marketing Communications

Communications can be thought of as the process of establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between the the message sender, such as an advertiser and a receiver, such as a consumer.

Commonness of thought implies that a sharing relationship must exist between both.

All communications activities involve the following elements – theory

  • What is it you want to happen?
  • What is the message?
  • Who do you want to hear it?
  • How do you want them to respond?
  • How do you ensure that the intention is credible, convincing, relevant, accurate, appropriate and professional?

The source, which has a communications objective, which is transformed into a message which is delivered via a message channel to a receiver, who experiences a communications outcome. The outcome represents a feedback to the message source. The entire process is subject to interference, interruption or general noise.


The source in marketing communication is the advertiser, sales person and digital media – online blogger, who has thoughts( ideas, sales points) to share with an individual customer or an entire target audience. The source encodes the message to accomplish a communications objective.

Encoding is the process of transferring thoughts into symbolic form. The source selects specific sign from an infinite variety of words, sentence structures, symbols and other non verbal elements to design a message that will communicate effectively with the target audience.

Communications Objective

The communications objective efforts include creating brand awareness, implanting positive associations in the consumer’s memory as a basis for creating positive brand image about a product/service and ultimately affecting behaviour.