My name is John Hartnett.
I completed the Diploma in Digital Marketing ( Level 5) with Sureskills Training (in 2017 and the Diploma in Digital Communications for Business (Level 8) at Cork Griffith College through Springboard in 2014.
I graduated from the Marketing Institute of Ireland (Level 8) at the College of Commerce, Cork in 2006.
I completed the Diploma in Education Practice: ICT Skills – (JEB – Joint Examining Board (QQI LeveL6) here in 2004.
This qualification certifies me to teach Information Communications Technology in the adult education sector. (VEC).
I am registered with the Teaching Council of Ireland and the Education & Training Board to teach on Business Studies and Economics subjects at post primary level.
I am available to teach (one to one tuition) on business and computer topics. For more information check out the School Days website.
I am immediately available to take up employment as a Teacher.

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“Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”
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